From the stress of the project due in two hours to the struggle of trying to strengthen ones iman, life can get crazy. This is the account of one Muslimahs attempts, triumphs, and countless failures in her quest to balance college life.

Friday, October 29, 2010

What is there to fear when Allah(swt) is with you always?

Many a time I find myself puzzled when I see people worrying about the simplest of problems. To an outsider the whole idea seems illogical. It's common sense right... Allah is our provider and the most merciful one at that. So really... What do we have to worry about?
It's easy when your the outsider but when it's you biting your nails the shaytan comes in and takes over. You forget that life changing concept and worry away an hour,a day, maybe a month even?
We human beings must be Terribly self absorbed to believe that we have a right to worry. What will it get us? Are we so dense as to believe that worry might change the outcome?

In the beginning of this week I had a huge project due for my core design class. The project is worth 20% of our overall grade and I was a nutcase. I kept thinking to myself that this project was going to be the death of me. For three weeks I spent hours and hours working. The day before it was due as I sat in my studio staring at my final design I couldn't help but smile. It was awesome... I'm not boasting... I had never done anything of this scale digitally before and i couldn't get over how cool it looked.
When I got back home later that night I kept thinking about how much I worried. Subhanallah I was so easily controlled by my fear I never stopped to think,Allah is in control...what is there to fear?


  1. i vouch for the girl
    she is normally humble -unjustly so i believe
    when itcomes to her own work
    and i donot flatter my own sister

  2. Pens have written and the ink is dry! Go with the flow and embrace the trials and emotions that come along...sometimes easier said than done though. Nice post hamdulillah.

  3. mashaAllah. Very nice post. I think, I could relate A LOT. lol.

  4. Oooh, I'm touched! You're so right, sister! We're silly to worry so much in our lives when Allah (swt) is ALWAYS in control and if we just rely on him, there's no need to worry. Everything will be exactly how it's meant to be!

  5. Assalaam Alaikum sis,

    MashaAllah, putting the following into practice I see - tie your camel first and then trust in Allah. I agree. Very well said & done! =)
